Programa de coaching a través de Mastermind

¿Qué necesitas para alcanzar tu próximo nivel de crecimiento personal y/o profesional?

Photo by Alexa Williams on Unsplash

Todo el mundo habla de lo que quiere lograr, pero muy pocas personas hacen algo al respecto. ¡Mi trabajo como coach es apoyar a las y los clientes a descubrir que son brillantes y a diseñar sus vidas y carreras profesionales con intención y determinación! 

Coaching se puede experimentar de manera individual y/o grupal. Una de las modalidades de coaching grupal que más me apasionan, es el grupo Mastermind.

El objetivo del Mastermind es crear oportunidades para que cada integrante del grupo, incluyéndote a tí, alcance su próximo nivel de crecimiento personal y/o profesional, a la vez que recibe el apoyo, la inspiración y el compromiso del grupo.

El compromiso

El programa tiene 5 sesiones.
El grupo se reúne mensualmente, por 90 minutos.
Actualmente estamos utilizando la plataforma de videoconferencia Zoom, para garantizar la interacción cara a cara sin que tengas que dejar tu casa u oficina.

La conversación

Definiendo tu propósito
Descubriendo tu zona genio
Navegando sesgos inconscientes
Creando hábitos que apoyan tu crecimiento
Rodeándote de éxito


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Masterminding your way to growth

What exactly is a mastermind?

A combination of brainstorming, learning and peer accountability in a group setting to support your personal and professional growth.

Here is the science behind it, according to Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich:

A group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery. An individual battery will provide energy in proportion to the number and capacity of the cells it contains. The brain functions in a similar fashion. This accounts for the fact that some brains are more efficient than others, and leads to this significant statement – a group of brains coordinated (or connected) in a spirit of harmony will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery. Through this metaphor it becomes immediately obvious that the mastermind principle holds the secret of the power wielded by people who surround themselves with other people of brains. When a group of individual brains is coordinated and functions in harmony, the increased energy created through the alliance becomes available to every individual brain in the group.”

The value proposition

Meeting with like-minded humans on a regular basis, is the key to tapping into the power of masterminding.

The mastermind is focused on connecting professionals who are smart, creative and resourceful, and who can benefit from exchanging ideas and brainstorming new ways of thinking and approaching challenges. Our objective is to create an opportunity for each member to reach the next level of growth while being supported by the group!

For our group, we are looking for people with a true desire for, and a firm commitment to, GROWTH.

The commitment

The program has 5 coaching sessions.
The group meets on a monthly basis, for 90 minutes.
We are currently using Zoom video conference to allow for the ‘face-to-face’ interaction without having to leave your home or office.

The conversation

Identifying what’s important to you
Discovering your zone of genius
Unconscious bias and navigating conflict
Creating habits that support your well-being and growth
Surrounding yourself with success